The Whitewater Community Foundation is now accepting applications for the Fall Community Action Grant Cycle. Grants will be awarded to local non-profits actively working to support the citizens of the Whitewater area. The deadline for submitting applications is October 31, 2020. Interested organizations can find more information at
In the Spring of 2020, with the onset of COVID-19 and the resulting loss of jobs, the community foundation awarded community action grants totaling $21,175 to the following organizations to reimburse them for funds expended in response to the needs of community members struggling with meeting their basic needs: The Whitewater Food Pantry, The Community Space, Bethel House, First United Methodist Church, St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, and the Whitewater Rescue Squad.
Please spread the word to groups trying to effect positive change in the Whitewater area. We look forward to working with leaders who are striving one goal at a time to make our community a greater place to live, work, and learn.